Fire Whirl
Engulf yourself in flames and rush forward, damaging enemies you pass through.
Fire Whirl was by far the strongest offensive at launch, but several nerfs have made it a balanced choice for damage and mobility.
Insanely high AoE damage that ticks rapidly for 3 seconds
Easy to use and sustain full damage on targets throughout its duration
70% movement speed boost helps you stick to targets or get out of trouble
Standard 18 sec cooldown syncs well with other key abilities
Short 8-yard radius forces you into melee range, which can be risky without proper setup or peels
Can be wasted by a well-timed defensive such as Repel or Lightning Bulwark
How to use Fire Whirl in Plunderstorm
Despite being nerfed several times, Fire Whirl remains strong. In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know to master it.