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How to use Windstorm in Plunderstorm

With its incredible range, stunning effect, and damage potential, Windstorm in-game iconWindstorm is a skill that can turn the tide of battle in an instant.

How to use Windstorm in Plunderstorm

Whether you're engaging enemies from afar, chasing down fleeing foes, or disrupting entire formations, Windstorm is a force to be reckoned with.

As you master the art of aiming and timing your Windstorms, you'll find yourself dictating the flow of combat and catching your opponents off guard at every turn. So take a deep breath, steady your aim, and let the winds of battle carry you to victory!

In this guide, we'll explore the intricacies of Windstorm mastery, from leading your targets to coordinating your cooldowns and everything in between.

Initiating and Chasing

Windstorm's primary strength lies in its ability to initiate combat from extreme distances. With a massive 60 yard range, this ability allows you to engage enemies from well beyond the reach of most other spells, giving you the element of surprise and the ability to dictate the terms of the fight.

When using Windstorm to initiate, try to predict where your target will be when the projectile reaches them. Lead your shot slightly if the enemy is moving, and aim for choke points or narrow corridors where they'll have less room to dodge. If you can catch an enemy with Windstorm before they even realize you're there, you'll have a major advantage going into the fight.

Windstorm is also a potent chasing tool thanks to its long range and stunning effect. If an enemy is trying to flee from you, a well-aimed Windstorm can stop them in their tracks, giving you time to close the distance and prevent their escape.

Solos tip

In solo play, Windstorm can help you get the drop on elite mobs or tough opponents. Before engaging a dangerous enemy, find a high vantage point or a long sightline, then open with a Windstorm from maximum range. The stun will give you a few precious seconds to close in and start your rotation before the enemy can react. When chasing down a fleeing opponent, try to anticipate their escape route and fire your Windstorm ahead of them. Aim for narrow passages or gaps they'll have to pass through to maximize your chances of landing the stun. Once they're caught, follow up with a gap closer like Quaking Leap in-game iconQuaking Leap to prevent any chance of escape.

Duos tip

In duo play, coordinate with your ally to maximize the impact of your Windstorms. Have one player engage with a long-range Windstorm while the other waits in ambush, ready to pounce as soon as the stun lands. This one-two punch can catch enemies completely off guard and set you up for an easy kill. If your duo is chasing down a fleeing enemy, have one player pursue directly while the other flanks around for a Windstorm. The enemy will have to choose between juking the Windstorm and facing your ally, or getting stunned and allowing both of you to catch up. Either way, you'll have the advantage.

Disrupting and Peeling

In addition to its offensive uses, Windstorm can also be a valuable tool for disrupting enemy formations and peeling for your allies. The 2.5 second stun is long enough to significantly interrupt an enemy's plan of attack, giving you and your team a chance to reposition or turn the tables.

When using Windstorm to disrupt enemies, look for opportunities where multiple foes are grouped up in a line. While Windstorm will only stun the first enemy it hits, the winds will pass through and damage all other enemies in its path. By firing through the enemy's backline, you can disrupt their healers and ranged damage dealers while still stunning a frontline target.

Windstorm can also be used defensively to peel for yourself or an ally who's under attack. If you see an enemy charging towards you or a teammate, a quick Windstorm can stop their advance and give you a moment to breathe. This is especially effective against melee attackers who rely on getting in close to deal their damage.

Solos tip

When facing multiple enemies solo, look for chances to line up a Windstorm that will pass through as many targets as possible. Even if you only stun the closest enemy, the damage and disruption to the rest of the group can buy you valuable time to even the odds. If you're being chased by a persistent melee enemy, try to create some distance, then turn and fire a Windstorm as they close in. The stun will stop their advance and give you a chance to either escape or turn and fight on your own terms.

Duos tip

In duo situations, Windstorm can be a powerful peeling tool for your ally. If your partner is under attack, try to position yourself so you can fire a Windstorm through the enemy's formation, stunning the attacker and damaging their allies in the process. Your partner can use this disruption to escape or turn and fight with you. Windstorm can also be used to set up devastating flanking maneuvers with your duo. Have one player engage the enemy head-on, baiting them into committing to the fight. Then, have the other player circle around and fire a Windstorm through the enemy's backline. The stun and damage will wreak havoc on their formation, allowing you to collapse on them from multiple angles.

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