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How to use Slicing Winds in Plunderstorm

Slicing Winds in-game iconSlicing Winds is a unique ability that combines mobility and damage, allowing you to close gaps and hurt enemies at the same time.

How to use Slicing Winds in Plunderstorm

In the whirlwind melees of Plunderstorm, mobility is the name of the game - and if you want mobility, look no further than Slicing Winds.

This blustery blitzer is the ultimate repositioning tool, a gust-propelled dash that can carry you across the battlefield in the blink of an eye. But Slicing Winds is more than just a simple gap-closer - with its damage component and sneaky synergies, this is a multipurpose game-changer.

In this guide, we'll unveil the secrets of Slicing Winds mastery, from evading enemies to initiating engagements and everything in between.


The key to using Slicing Winds effectively is to master its charge-up mechanic and learn to aim your lunges precisely.

When you start casting Slicing Winds, you'll begin to envelop yourself in a vortex of razor-sharp air. The longer you hold down the cast button, the further you'll lunge when you release it, up to a maximum distance of 36 yards at 1.4 seconds of charging.

As you're lunging, you'll damage any enemies in your path, making Slicing Winds a potent offensive tool as well as a mobility skill. To maximize your damage output, try to line up your lunges so that you're hitting as many enemies as possible on your way to your target.


While it's primarily an offensive ability, Slicing Winds can also be an invaluable defensive and escape tool thanks to the long distance of its lunge.

Duos tip

If your partner is in trouble, Slicing Winds can help you quickly come to their aid from across the battlefield. Use a fully charged lunge to bypass enemies and obstacles, then use your defensive abilities and crowd control to peel attackers off your ally. In coordinated play, you can also use Slicing Winds to bait enemies into overextending or chasing you, then have your partner collapse on them when they're out of position. Lunge away with Slicing Winds, then turn and re-engage when your enemies take the bait, trapping them between you and your ally.

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