How to use Hunter's Chains in Plunderstorm
The primary strength of Hunter's Chains lies in its ability to completely shut down a single enemy for an extended period.

In the fast-paced frenzy of Plunderstorm, controlling your prey is the key to victory - and no ability embodies this principle better than Hunter's Chains.
These ethereal tethers are the ultimate weapons for any adventurer seeking to restrain and reign in their targets, from fleeing foes to fearsome beasts. But Hunter's Chains are more than just simple snares - with their unique pull mechanic and sneaky synergies, these leashing lashes offer a world of possibilities for the creative capturer.
In this guide, we'll unravel the secrets of Hunter's Chains mastery, from locking down lone targets to setting up pack-hunting plays and everything in between.
Locking Down Priority Targets
By chaining yourself to a target, you effectively remove them from the fight, preventing them from using abilities or moving freely until they manage to break the chains.
This level of crowd control is incredibly potent when used on the right targets. Chaining a healer, for example, can prevent them from keeping their allies alive, while chaining an enemy damage dealer can neutralize their offensive pressure.
When choosing a target for your chains, always prioritize enemies that pose the greatest threat to you and your team. Look for foes that you know have high burst damage or strong defensive abilities - limiting the movement of these players, even briefly, can swing the battle in your favor.
You can also use Hunter's Chains to set up powerful combos with your
partrner. If they have a big damage cooldown ready, chain your target to
keep them nearby while your friend unloads on them. Alternatively, if your
ally lands a stun such as Earthbreaker, follow up
with chains to extend the crowd control and secure a kill.
Closing Gaps and Forced Movement
In addition to its crowd control potential, Hunter's Chains also provides incredible utility through its recast effect. By recasting the ability while chained to a target, you will instantly teleport to their location, allowing you to close gaps or escape from danger in the blink of an eye.
This mobility is especially potent when chasing down fleeing enemies. If a target manages to break your chains and tries to escape, simply recast the ability to snap back to their position and re-establish control. You can also use this effect aggressively to dive onto backline targets like healers or ranged damage dealers, bypassing their frontline and causing chaos in their ranks.
The recast effect isn't just for gap closing, however - it can also be used to forcibly reposition your chained target. If an enemy strays too far from you while chained, they'll be pulled back to your location, allowing you to drag them into friendly AoE damage, off of high ground, or away from their allies.
With its powerful single-target lockdown and tricky forced movement, Hunter's Chains is an incredibly valuable tool to have in your arsenal. While the ability can be challenging to use effectively due to its short cast range and long cooldown, the playmaking potential it offers is nearly unmatched. So practice your aim, coordinate with your allies, and get ready to chain your way to victory!