How to use Health Brew in Plunderstorm
The core healing ability that every player has but most are yet to master: let's dive in and learn how to make the most of Health Brew!
Health Brew is a crucial part of Plunderstorm's combat, for both keeping yourself alive and knowing when to strike against vulnerable opponents. By timing your own brews carefully and aggressively punishing enemies who use theirs, you'll be able to outheal and outlast anyone who stands against you.
Just remember - every second counts!
Keeping Yourself Alive
Health Brew is your primary self-healing ability, and knowing when to use it is crucial for staying alive in tough fights. The key is to find a balance between using it early enough to avoid dying, but late enough that you're getting full value from the heal.
When you start drinking Health Brew, you'll immediately restore 15% of your max health. Then, over the next 3.5 seconds, you'll continue to heal for an additional 45% of your max health. However, if you take any direct damage during this channel (from attacks, spells, or dots), the healing will be interrupted and you'll have to wait the full 30 seconds before you can use Health Brew again.
Because of this, it's important to be smart about when you choose to chug.
If you're in a fight, try to wait until you're at around 50% health before starting to drink - this will give you a buffer in case you get interrupted early, while still ensuring you get a significant heal.
If not, you can use Health Brew more liberally to top yourself off between fights or while farming. Just be aware of your surroundings and make sure you're not in danger of being attacked soon.
Coordinate with your partner to create safe windows for using Health Brew. Have them stun, slow, or knock back your opponents right before you start channeling to ensure you get the full heal off.
Exploiting Enemy Brews
Just as important as using your own Health Brew effectively is knowing when your enemies have used theirs. The 30 second cooldown on Health Brew creates a significant window of vulnerability that you should be looking to exploit whenever possible.
Once you know an enemy has used their Health Brew, you have 30 seconds to press the attack before they can heal again. Use your most damaging abilities and combos during this time to try to take them down before they can recover.