How to use Faeform in Plunderstorm
Faeform is an incredibly powerful ability that can fundamentally change how you approach many situations in Plunderstorm. Let's dive in!

Whether you're using it to survive certain death, escape from overwhelming odds, or chase down elusive foes, this transformation skill opens up a world of possibilities. As you grow more comfortable with its timing and nuances, you'll start to see potential uses for Faeform everywhere.
In this guide, we'll flutter through the secrets of Faeform mastery, from dodging certain death to setting up sneaky plays and everything in between.
Escaping and Surviving
Faeform's primary use is as a potent panic button when things start to go wrong. When activated, you will transform into a glowing Fae creature, gaining a massive 90% damage reduction, complete immunity to harmful debuffs, and a whopping 125% movement speed increase, all for 3 seconds.
This combination of defensive buffs and mobility makes Faeform one of the best abilities in the game for escaping dangerous situations. If you find yourself surrounded by enemies, covered in harmful debuffs, or just generally on the brink of death, Faeform can give you the temporary invincibility and speed boost you need to get to safety.
When using Faeform to escape, it's important to plan your route ahead of time. 3 seconds may not seem like a long time, but with the massive movement speed increase, you can cover a surprising amount of distance. Look for escape paths that will take you past any obstacles or choke points, and try to have a safe spot in mind to regroup and recover.
In solo play, Faeform can be a lifesaver when tackling tough elite mobs or dense packs of enemies. If you start to get overwhelmed, pop Faeform and sprint to safety, using the damage reduction to shrug off any parting shots. Once you're clear, you can wait for your cooldowns to reset and re-engage on your own terms. Faeform can also be used proactively when soloing to bypass dangerous mechanics or debuffs. If you know a boss is about to use a big debuff-heavy attack, pre-emptively activate Faeform to negate the effects entirely. You'll still need to avoid the raw damage, but not having to worry about debuffs can significantly simplify many encounters.
When playing with a partner, Faeform can be used to great effect to save an ally in trouble. If your teammate gets caught out of position or starts to get focused down, a well-timed Faeform can give them the breathing room they need to escape. Just be sure to communicate clearly so you both know when and where to regroup. In PvP situations, Faeform can be a powerful counter to enemy crowd control and debuff-heavy team compositions. If you see the enemy team setting up for a big CC chain, pop Faeform proactively to negate their setup and reposition.
Chasing and Pursuing
While Faeform's defensive capabilities are its primary strength, don't underestimate the offensive potential of its massive movement speed boost. 125% increased speed is no joke, and can allow you to chase down fleeing enemies that would normally be able to outrun you.
When using Faeform to pursue a target, it's important to remember that you can't attack while transformed. As such, you'll need to time your Faeform to end right as you catch up to your target, so you can immediately start attacking. This requires a bit of prediction and familiarity with the ability's duration, but can lead to some spectacular chases and takedowns.
In solo situations, Faeform can be invaluable for chasing down ranged mobs or fleeing objectives. If a pesky archer or caster is kiting you around, wait for them to use their mobility abilities, then pop Faeform and close the gap before they can get away again. The temporary speed boost can be just what you need to finish the job. Faeform can also be used to great effect in time-sensitive solo content like challenge mode dungeons or timed quests. If you need to get from one point to another quickly, Faeform can help you shave precious seconds off your run. Just be sure to plan your route carefully, as you won't be able to attack or interact with objects while transformed.
When chasing targets with a partner, Faeform can allow you to split up and cut off escape routes. Have one player use Faeform to directly pursue the fleeing enemy, while the other takes a more roundabout path to head them off. With the speed boost from Faeform, you should be able to catch even the nimblest of foes in this pincer maneuver. In PvP, Faeform can be used to great effect to chase down and finish off wounded enemies. If an opponent manages to slip away from a fight with a sliver of health, pop Faeform and hunt them down before they can heal up. Just be sure to communicate with your teammate so they can follow up and assist as needed.